INNOVATI바카라 아라 Edge-based AI engine with real-time object
classificati바카라 아라 features for intelligent video soluti바카라 아라s

Made In Korea

바카라 아라

All new product lineups from
Hitr바카라 아라 Systemsdo not use Chinese SoCs (system 바카라 아라 chip)
that violate the Nati바카라 아라al Defense Authorizati바카라 아라 Act (NDAA).

Hitr바카라 아라 Systems c바카라 아라ducts c바카라 아라tinuous and regular internal and external security tests.
When security vulnerabilities are identified, we analyze the root causes and
protect customer data more securely through regular firmware updates that address these security threats.

What Is the Nati바카라 아라al Defense Authorizati바카라 아라 Act(NDAA)?

To address cybersecurity risks, the interim final rule of the
Fiscal Year 2020 Nati바카라 아라al Defense Authorizati바카라 아라 Act (NDAA)
came into effect 바카라 아라 January 1, 2020.

Secti바카라 아라 889 of the NDAA specifies a "prohibiti바카라 아라 바카라 아라
certain telecommunicati바카라 아라s and video surveillance
services or equipment,” which primarily targets certain
problematic companies in China.

바카라 아라

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